One-way ticket to SEMA 2023.

5272 Miles

It all began with a chance meeting in Denmark.

I said: You need to be at SEMA 2023.

Sam rallied his supporters, and it’s happening!

Does Sam’s story inspire YOU?

Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn your car hobby into something more.

We’ve been in your shoes. Let’s talk.

Or, better yet, come see us at SEMA 2023.

While I have your attention:

Sam could use YOUR help getting back home.

Cuz it’s 5272 miles EACH way …

Would you kick in a few bucks, please?


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It all began with an idea. Now it’s gone viral with over 3 million views and counting…

You can be part of our crew, too

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Cheer with bits

Like what you see? Cheer CustomSam up :